Latex Gloves

Natural rubber latex gloves or commonly referred to as latex gloves offer good resistance against many acids and alkalis. However, they are permeable to many solvents.
Available in both powder and powder free options, lightly powdered latex gloves provide comfort against moisture during long procedures and powder free latex may be used in environments where powder may contaminate product.
Due to excellent elongation, latex gloves are very comfortable to wear and traditionally offer the best fit and feel, natural latex proteins can however cause or trigger latex allergies.

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Natural rubber latex gloves or commonly referred to as latex gloves offer good resistance against many acids and alkalis. However, they are permeable to many solvents.
Available in both powder and powder free options, lightly powdered latex gloves provide comfort against moisture during long procedures and powder free latex may be used in environments where powder may contaminate product.
Due to excellent elongation, latex gloves are very comfortable to wear and traditionally offer the best fit and feel, natural latex proteins can however cause or trigger latex allergies.

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