D-Series Lasers A diverse range of applications.
• The D-Series laser system produces unlimited lines of text in any orientation, and in many fonts and sizes. It is equally suitable for both graphics and 2D datamatrix codes. All are permanently applied to a wide range of materials from low to high production line speeds.
• Special lasers for clear codes on PET and PP materials plus a special scan head option for larger web coding applications.
• High quality at highest line speeds.
• The new D-Series, with no need for inks or solvents – minimising waste as well as 20% reduced weight (versus previous models) – helps you to reduce your carbon footprint. Automatic temperature-controlled fan cooling means the coder saves energy whenever applications allow.
F-Series Premium Fibre Laser
• F-Series is the ultimate fibre laser for your production line, allowing you to reduce your total cost of ownership for coding and marking while achieving top code quality. Fibre laser is a Domino-developed, market-proven laser technology, which is versatile and optimised for a variety of industries.
• Electronics - For housings, switches, power supply units, circuit boards, and many more.
• Food - For a wide range of food applications, from flexible pouches and films for confectioners and fruit packers, to plastic pots and steel tins for dairy producers and food canners
• Pharma - For pharmaceutical products and medical devices such as asthma cans, insulin pens, ampoules, and many more.
• Industrial - For industrial parts and automotive applications such as pipes, saw blades, oil filters, breaking discs, sparking plugs, or license plates.
• Tobacco - For tobacco pouches and e-vapour products.
• With the F-Series range, Domino offers the models: F230i CP, F230i EP, F520i and F720i, so you can choose the optimal power class and wavelength for your coding needs.