Heat Gun - Gas Powered

•Used to shrink wrap Pallets, Shrouds, or for heating of large surfaces. •Low operational cost as energy is only used when needed. •Any size pack can be shrunk. •Instant heating of gas heads means no waiting for system to get to temperature.

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SKU: 1B_TOHE2000
Dimensions:  Power 40 kW
Pressure 2,5 bars
Length/Height 14,17’’/10,36’’ - 360/262 mm
Package dimensions 460x330x140 mm 18,11’’ x 13’’ x 5,51’’
Weight 2,11 lb / 955 g
Package weight 10,69 lb / 4850 g
Noise level < 85 dbA
Energy source Propane gas or natural gas upon request

•Used to shrink wrap Pallets, Shrouds, or for heating of large surfaces. •Low operational cost as energy is only used when needed. •Any size pack can be shrunk. •Instant heating of gas heads means no waiting for system to get to temperature.

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